Lately, I’ve been asking friends who profess to know something about the Interweb how I go about increasing traffic to my website. Better yet, how do I get those same people to visit my Byliner page? Byliner posts my articles to its site, then charges subscribers to read them. You get my stories, beautifully formatted, of course, delivered to your iPad, iPhone, or i-Whatever. Kindles, too! That’s worth something, right? Get the app here. For me, it’s free money, sort of. Before Byliner, my entire portfolio sat idle on my website, earning nothing. The generous editors at Byliner offered to take my prose and post it online—and then give me a cut of the profits. So here’s the deal: If I can drive a million people a day to my Byliner page, and get them all to subscribe, I can buy a big yacht and go kiteboarding with my family for the rest of my life. Please help me fulfill this dream. I’m told I can achieve this by doing something called “Search Engine Optimization.” But until I figure that out, I’ll just repeat this link: Byliner, Byliner, Byliner, Byliner, Byliner, Byliner, Byliner, Byliner, Byliner, Byliner, Byliner, Byliner, Byliner, Byliner. That’ll work, right?
- 5280
- AARP Magazine
- Afar
- Air & Space
- Backpacker
- Best Life
- Bloomberg Businessweek
- Business 2.0
- Discover
- Eating Well
- Hemispheres
- Islands
- Kiteboarding
- Men's Fitness
- Men's Health
- Men's Journal
- Mountain Magazine
- Mother Jones
- NatGeo Adventure
- Newsweek
- New York Times Magazine
- OnEarth
- Outside
- Popular Science
- Rosebud
- Runner's World
- Scientific American
- Ski
- Skiing
- Smithsonian
- TakePart
- The Atlantic
- The Economist
- The Washington Monthly
- Virtuoso Life
- Wired
- Women's Health